Network Collaboration
Find, Filter, and Connect with
Verified Suppliers in Minutes
On the Onventis Network, every supplier has a central profile that contains reliable and current information. Suppliers can add information such as integration options, certificates, and a product portfolio. You can review the supplier’s profile anytime to decide when and who to do business with.
These companies trust Onventis with their buying needs
Expand your business
with 50,000+ Suppliers
Centralize contacts,
network, stay updated
Save time
with integrated supplier data

With the Onventis e-procurement solutions, we found an easy way to manage our suppliers centrally. In the network, we have a real-time view of data, histories and ratings. This minimizes risks and strengthens the business relationship on the buyside and sellside.
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Procure to Pay
Automate the complete purchase-to-payment process, including requesting (requisitioning), purchasing, receiving, paying, and accounting for goods and services. Key benefits are increased financial and procurement visibility, efficiency, cost savings, and control.

Supplier Network
This network is a free solution for all suppliers regardless of if they already supply Onventis Buyers. Create a supplier profile to be found by over 1,000 buying organizations. Suppliers can manage their existing customer relationships with Onventis Buyers.