WorkFlowWise B.V. becomes Onventis B.V.
New Company Name for Dutch Leading Workflow Automation & P2P Software Provider
Stuttgart/ DenHaag, January 21st, 2021 – On its way to becoming the leading All-in-One procurement solution in Europe, the cloud-based provider Onventis announces its next milestone. The acquired workflow automation specialist WorkFlowWise has been part of the Onventis All-In-One Procurement Network since 2020. From now on, WorkFlowWise B.V. will operate under the name Onventis B.V..
WorkFlowWise was founded in 1997 and quickly became one of the leading cloud-based workflow automation companies in the Netherlands. Through the acquisition, Onventis expanded its All-in-One Procurement Suite, primarily with deep functionality in the areas of Invoice Processing, Employee Expense Management and custom Workflow Automation through low-coding. With the new company name “Onventis B.V.”, the corporate group is taking a further step to strengthen its brand in the European region. In addition, the name change underlines the unity within the Onventis Group, which has been sustainably developed in the last 6 months.
With the integration of Onventis B.V. into the Onventis Group, both existing and new customers will benefit from an expanded product portfolio with newly added capabilities for digitizing and automating business processes. The WorkFlowWise functionalities “Invoice Processing” and “Expense Management” fit perfectly into the existing product portfolio. “The “Workflow Automation” capabilities based on low-coding offer the flexibility needed to optimize associated procurement and finance workflows not covered in our standard applications. With the Onventis All-in-One Procurement Suite, both purchasing and finance departments are able to leverage their full digitization potential resulting in significant process optimizations and cost reductions” adds Frank Schmidt, CEO at Onventis.
The merging of the brands also underscores the seamless end-to-end nature of the expanded solution and platform portfolio. „We are very excited that we are part of the Onventis All-In-One Procurement Network. We now offer solutions for the digital transformation of all purchasing and finance processes. With the integrated product portfolio, we specifically strengthen our functionalities for strategic, tactical and operational procurement as well as vendor management. We now cover all aspects from source to settle“, explains Jerker Vulperhorst, Managing Director at Onventis B.V..
To introduce all new and existing capabilities three webinars will take place in the upcoming months. In the first webinar CEO of Onventis, Frank Schmidt, and Jerker Vulperhorst, Managing Director Onventis Benelux, will personally introduce the enlarged Onventis Group and all enhanced product capabilities. In the second session a deeper look will be taken into the Onventis All-in-One Procurement Suite with a 360 degree product pitch. The highlight at the end of the three-part webinar series will be a reference customer sharing hands-on e-procurement best practices.
The free registration to all webinars is already open via: onventis.com/webinars