Onventis Benelux obtains its ISAE 3402 type II certification, again
“Once again we proved that we handle our customers’ data securely.”
– Mounir Ihataren, Head of Customer Success at Onventis Benelux

Onventis Benelux obtains its ISAE 3402 type II certification, again
When financial institutions outsource internal processes,, according to Dutch law (Art. 4.16 Wft), they are required to demonstrate that those processes are handled correctly and securely. An ISAE 3402 type II certification demonstrates and proves this.
Onventis Benelux underlines the importance of this topic and therefor puts everything in place to obtain this certification annually. It can be proudly stated that this guarantee is translated in obtaining the ISAE 3402 type II certification, again.
How does it exactly work?
The most important aspect of the ISAE 3402 type II is that a service provider must have appropriate control measures in place. The design, existence and operation should be written out in a report. Following the description and proof of these control measures, an independent audit is carried out to test the measures and to assess whether or not they are and have been in place sufficiently
Over the entire scope of Onventis Benelux
The certification was done over the entire scope of Onventis Benelux, looking at both our software and services. The link between our software and external systems is also included, with a focus on data retrieval and delivery.
The controls are categorized based on the aforementioned with the addition of several operational management approaches, of which release management is one of the most extensive.
“Secure, controlled and confidential handling of your data as a matter of course.”
Data security is a highly prioritized at Onventis Benelux and has always been in its DNA. This includes the internal policy (as can be read in the ISAE 3402 type II report) but also our applications where extensive security measures and functionalities are applied and implemented respectively.
We believe that our customers should not worry about how their data is handled and that it is saved and processed in a secure, controlled and confidential environment. This does not only concern the data of our customers, but all the data that flows through our organization.
Through this certification it can be safely stated that the above claim is not just a promise but a reality which we work on continuously and successfully!
To round off
We are very pleased with our ISAE 3402 type II certification which confirms that all control measures were found adequate by the audit. This is a standard that is underlined by all auditors who rely on it during the annual account audits. One less thing to worry about!
We can speak of “a clean report” which for our customers but also for future customers means that the data is handled safely, controlled and confidentially.
Of course it can be assumed that we will continue unabatedly on this path!

Mounir Ihataren
Head of Customer Success at Onventis Benelux
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